Workplace Wellness


Workplace Mindfulness Workshops

The research is clear. Organizations that introduce and support mindfulness practices in the workplace can expect to see team members reduce stress levels while enhancing their focus, thoughtfulness, decision-making abilities, and overall well-being. Mindfulness allows employees to create a mental space for clear thinking and being fully present, which in turn fosters mental agility, resilience, and self-awareness. Moreover, practicing mindfulness can lead to a reduction in emotional exhaustion, an increased receptiveness to novel ideas, and the cultivation of compassion and empathy. Everyone wins!
Dr. Brian offers a variety of mindfulness training opportunities for large and small organizations and always works with you and your team to identify meaningful objectives and goals. He’s worked with Bay St law firms, financial organizations, manufacturing industries, teachers’ federations, healthcare organizations, and international airport authorities. He’s presented everywhere, from small staff lunchrooms all the way to national conference stages.
  • Client-specific and targeted workshops to introduce mindfulness and its benefits to you and your team
  • Preliminary intake session with Dr. Brian and your team lead to identify unique and industry-specific needs and goals of your team/organization.
  • Variety of formats are available, all allowing for interactive, engaging, and effective introductions to the techniques and benefits of mindfulness practice.
  • Course materials and exercises included.
  • Online and in-person options
While the ability to fine-tune training that’s just right for your organization is one of the biggest benefits of customized training, here are a few options that might inspire you to bring mindfulness into your workplace.

1) Mindfulness Unveiled: Exploring the Foundations in a 60-90 Minute Workshop

In these interactive and skills-based workshops, participants will experience what it feels like to be truly mindful after being introduced to the basics of mindfulness techniques.  The benefits of mindfulness in the workplace will be explored, giving participants a solid introduction in to how they can increase their resilience, combat the effects of stress, and enhance their contentment in everyday living. Ideal for organizations that are interested in supporting their teams in effective, research-backed ways.

2) The Mindful Advantage: Elevating Performance and Contentment in the Workplace (6 or 8-Week Workshop Series)

Over the course of 6 (or 8) consecutive weeks, participants will learn the benefits of bringing mindfulness to their workday in ways that are both easy to learn and easy to implement. Multiple practical mindfulness techniques will be explored by the participants throughout the multi-week series (weekly 60-minute sessions), allowing them the opportunity to experiment with their skills of concentration and equanimity. Ideal for organizations that are committed to providing their teams with actionable and enjoyable skills to enhance their work-life balance.
* Option to follow this series with weekly 30-minute guided drop-in “practice sessions” to enhance learning and applicability to the workplace

3) The Mindful Shift: Unlocking Your Potential for Calm and Contentment in a Multi-Day Challenge

Often used as a team-building and skill-building exercise, these multi-day challenges take place over one or two work weeks, where participants are instructed and then guided in daily mindfulness practices in each 30-minute session. New techniques will be illustrated daily over the challenge’s duration, providing your teams with the opportunity to experiment with the benefits of being mindful during the workday. Participation contests can be incorporated to everyone’s benefit.

4) The Power of Perspective: Strategic Planning Sessions Guest Speaker

As corporate leadership teams take a moment to assess the past and future of their businesses, an opportunity exists for a tactical and customized problem-solving session with our mindfulness teacher/trainer to enhance workplace contentment and employee resilience. Once considered a soft skill, research-backed mindful awareness skills are now being implemented successfully by our country’s best and brightest leadership teams as a way to empower individual team members. This is a customized and dynamic option that can be designed to meet the needs of the organization in terms of challenges and opportunities faced.

5) Mindfulness Mastery: Personalized Coaching for Transformative Growth with Dr. Brian Dower

Experience transformative one-to-one coaching sessions and embark on a personalized mindfulness journey tailored to your unique needs and goals. Led by Dr. Brian, these weekly or bi-weekly sessions provide expert guidance in mindfulness meditation. With a preliminary intake session to identify your specific and strategic requirements, you receive a personalized roadmap for your development, along with guided meditation videos, course materials, and mindfulness exercises. Plan your next steps towards growth and choose from online, phone, or in-person options, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.

 ENQUIRE for more details

Engaging in mindfulness training with Dr. Brian Dower is a captivatingcalming and informative experience that resonates for participants on many levels. Dr. Dower radiates tranquillity and peace while empowering audiences with validated techniques for achieving personal mindfulness excellence. He presents both evidence-based theory with practical tools that can be put to immediate use Dr. Brian Dower exudes high amounts of compassion and professionalism which make working with him a seamless and gratifying experience. Thank you, Brian! 

Trionne Moore , Chief Wellness Officer HealthOne

I highly recommend this course, especially for anyone working in a fast-paced and active environment. Brian is a very skilled, compassionate teacher. He responds to all questions and comments with such understanding and empathy, making everyone feel comfortable with sharing or with asking questions. The techniques are easy and yet so powerful. Everyone in our office who took the course reported positive comments regarding Brian’s knowledge and guidance. I personally have had much needed, significant improvements in my own mindfulness practice.

Kathy Temple , Halifax International Airport Authority